Hello there. My name is Joey. Welcome to my commission carrd where you for the low low price of whatever my current prices are, can order art from me. There are several ways you can contact me, such as via Discord, Deviantart, and free to look around using the buttons above to navigate, or the buttons below to contact me. Oh, and make sure you read my T.O.S. before ordering anything from me!

Art above is done by Astragato on TH
! About the Artist !
! Joey - Adult - He/Him or They/Them - Transmasc !Hello there. As you may have read on the front page, my name is Joey, it's nice to meet you. I'm a pronoun having bozo who happens to live in the Land of the Free (except for Healthcare, that's not free). I have autism and may say out of pocket left field shit sometimes with no forethought put into Why I Shouldn't Say That. If I ever say anything that makes you uncomfortable, do let me know!On top of being a bozo, I've got a myriad of health issues, physical and mental, so I may be slow on my commission work.I'm a digital artist (as you may have noticed) and an avid video game enthusiast who enjoys games like Apex Legends, Minecraft, Ark: Survival Evolved, the Fallout and Elder Scrolls Series, and many more games. I'm usually into FPS PVE Shooters, MMO's, and Survival Crafting games.I also play a lot of browser breeding games, such as Lioden, Flight Rising, Ovipets, and other similar games.Feel free to shoot me a DM to ask me my username on the aformentioned games, or if you just wanna chat!
! Terms of Service !
When you commission me, you agree to all of the applicable Terms of Service listed below, regardless of whether or not you have read or understood them.However, I suggest you do read them as there is important information listed below, including things I will and will not draw, my design terms of service, and more. Just read the T.O.S.
General Commissions
I have the right to refuse/cancel/refund a commission at any point and for any reason.
All commissions are complete digital and you will never receive any physical items in the mail!
I have the right to share and post commissioned artworks as advertising/examples/casual posting unless asked by the commissioner to keep the piece private!
Commissions can take anywhere from Two (2) Days to Four (4) Months depending on my schedule, health, and the waiting list of other commissioners.
I can work with deadlines given/asked for if art is needed by a specific date unless I have higher priority deadlined commissions, or the deadline is within a week of the date your order is confirmed.
Please feel free to be as specific as you possibly can when ordering a commission, as while I love creative liberty, I work best when I know exactly what the customer wants. The more detail you can give me, the better!
If you'd like consistent updates and communication, your best option is to DM me on my discord where I am most active. If you commission me on another site or app, I may be less responsive as I check those apps less often.
You must provide me a clear reference(s) of your character where I can easily pick colors from and understand their design.
My style and brushes changes frequently, especially with how I line, if there's a specific style or line brush you'd like me to use, link me my past work doing that style/using that brush and I'll do my best to replicate it.
If something isn't listed on my Carrd that you'd like to commission me for, please feel free to DM me and we can discuss what you want and I can give you a quote! (i.e. line edits to any bases I may have, item art, dividers, etc.)
I do not consent to my art being used for or being resold as/for a Non-Fungible Token or any blockchain-related purposes or activities. Permission to use my art will be revoked and you will be reported on any site you attempt to resell my art as an NFT on. If you ever see my art as an NFT, it's a scam.
You may only use my work for personal, non-commerical/non-profit uses. (Including as Icons, Page Decoration, physical personal items, etc.) however you must credit me somewhere that is easily visible (when applicable.)
Do not ever remove my signature from my artwork. You may ask for a version with no large watermark if the version you have's watermark is too obtrustive, however my work will never not be signed in some form or fashion.
I will send Work in Progress shots of my art if requested, such as the sketch, lineart, and coloring to ensure that it matches your character. You must ask for these progress shots, otherwise I will only send the sketch to ensure it's good! I will not make major edits to the lineart unless an additional fee is paid, the fee will depend on the edits wanted.
You may edit the art you commission, however, you must always give credit to me as the original artist of the work. I also do not allow my art to be used to spread disgusting rhetoric and you will be blacklisted if I see you promoting anything immoral and distasteful with my art, or in general.
If you are not the client who commissioned my work, or the intended recipient of said work, you do not have permission to repost, edit, redistribute, etc. the piece.
When your commission is complete, I will send it to you on whatever platform you commissioned me on. You can upload it to with credit to my, or I can simply submit it to your characters gallery for you.
Payment and refunds
All of my prices are listed in USD only! If you plan on commissioning me in another currency, such as another real life currency, Ovipets Credits, or DA Points, use a convertor or calculator.
All payment for any commission must be given upfront. I do not start Commissions until I have received payment in full.
If I cannot finish your commission for any reason at all, I will refund you for the work not yet completed. Unfinished work is still work from me and will be given to the commissioner with the typical signature/watermark on it. Do not remove my signature, and credit is still require.
Extra characters are charged in full (ex. if you want two fullbodies in the same piece that are lined, colored, and shaded, it will cost you the full amount as if you had commissioned them separately)
I have the right to charge more depending on character complexity. This is discussed as a case by case basis and is not a flat fee. (Includes Detailed Patterns, High Density Markings, complex accessories/clothing, etc.)
NSFW Art will have an upcharge dependent on a case by case basis, discuss with me what sort of art you would like, and I can quote you the upcharge fee.
Design specific T.o.s.
My designs may never be turned into a closed species/for profit species. If you want to redesign them into an Open Species, simply ask and I will probably say yes, I'm not here to strongarm you into doing what I want. However, if my designers are made into an open species, I require you to credit me as the original designer of the species.
As with my work, unless a design is specifically commissioned for Commercial use in a comic, or otherwise, my designs may only be used for personal purposes and cannot be used for profit.
If a design has more than one version at any point in time (whether you gave it to them, or it came with the order) they must be counted as one character and cannot be sold seperately as two different characters.
My designs may always be resold, however if you wish to sell a design I created you cannot upsell for more than you bought the design for unless other art is factored in. i.e. if you bought a design off me for $50, and never drew them/got art for them, you cannot sell them for $100.
You are free to modify/change the design you receive to your heart's content as long as I am credited for the original design!
If you are on, I will create the character then send you the character as a transfer.
I will never copy another artists work nor create a design based off their work unless given explicit permission personally from that artist to do so for the commissioner in question While I'm fine designing a character based off/inspired by existing media, I will not directly copy any existing character's design, especially if it's done by another artist.
Wills and wonts
Will Draw
Most types of Animals (if it's a non-canid/draconic/feline species, ask!)
Anything from Light to Extreme Gore
Fan-Art from Existing Media
NSFW/Suggestive Art, however NSFW Art has an upcharge.
Robotic/Cybernetic Limbs, Parts, Pieces, etc.
Insectoid Limbs, Parts, Pieces, etc.
Anything I determine I'm comfortable enough to draw.
Won't Draw
Humanoid Characters with human feet, and/or hands.
Full Mecha/Robot Characters
Detailed or Full Body suits of Armor
Realistic firearms such as real-life rifles or pistols (Double Barrel shotguns are acceptable)
Unsanitary/Bigoted Fetish Art (Fetishization of the LGBTQ+ Community will get you immediately blocked on all platforms)
Bigoted/Phobic Art
Anything I determine I'm uncomfortable drawing.
Not Listed?
Is what you want not listed? Contact me via my Discord or some other platform and we can discuss what you want, then I can quote you a price! If I don't have any examples of what you want, I'm willing to take a deposit to do a sketch, and accept the rest of the payment based off whether or not the sketch is to your liking.




Regular Lined Shaded

Regular lined flat

Regular Sketchy shaded

Regular Sketchy flat
Style | Availability | Flat | Shaded |
Simple Mini | Open | $6 | N/A |
Regular Sketchy | Open | $8 | $12 |
Regular Lined | Open | $13 | $17 |
Can be on a solid, patterned, pride, or Free to Use Image background.
Due to the small canvas size and limited characters visibility, posing will be limited.
If you know what kind of expression you want your character to have, please tell me!
Can be done in pairs with characters making eyecontact, leaning back against each other, etc.
I change my sketch brush and lineart styles frequently, so if there's an example you see that you want a close match to, tell me you want that style! I'll try and use that brush/style for your icon.
standard art

Halfbody sketchy shaded

Fullbody sketchy flat

halfbody sketchy flat

fullbody lined flat

fullbody lined shaded

halfbody lined shaded

fullbody sketchy shaded
Style | Availability | Flat | Shaded |
Halfbody Sketchy | Open | $15 | $25 |
Halfbody Lined | Open | $24 | $34 |
Fullbody Sketchy | Open | $40 | $50 |
Fullbody Lined | Open | $55 | $65 |
Minimalistic shadows and highlights can be requested for no added fee, but any sort of detailed shading requires the shaded price.
All options automatically come with a white outline, you can request a specific width, or for me to leave the outline off.
You may request a simple flat colored, patterned, or shaped background to be put behind the art for free. You will receive both the version with and without upon completion.
Small/Simple accessories, props, etc. can be added for free.
Large Props or Complex Clothing can be added for an extra fee.



Style | Availability | Price |
Standard | Open | $10 |
All Chibis automatically come as fullbodies and cannot be requested to be otherwise.
Complex Designs will likely be simplified!
custom designs

On base

Sketchy Custom

Lined Custom

Symmetry Customs
Type | Availability | Starting Price |
On Base | Open | $10 |
Sketchy Custom | Open | $50 |
Lined Custom | Open | $75 |
Custom Character Sheet | Open | $100 |
Symmetry Custom | Open | $60 |
*Custom Character Sheets come with: A Front and back view, a headshot, and maw and or paw view. This also comes with accessory shots, and any small additions that aren't a fullbody/bust.
I currently have a Dog/Wolf Base, and a Dragon Base!
Price will increase depending on the complexity of design you want. I will give you a quote based of the information filled out on the form.
BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE. The more specific you are, the better I can make your custom for you!
I will send you the initial concept, this is your time to ask for edits. Once I've started lining and coloring I will only do minor changes for free. Initial Concepts will have rough color blocks and markings to help you see what it'll end up looking like.
Major Edits can be requested however I will charge a fee based on the edits you want done.
You may keep any and all concepts for a character I show you, they're yours!
Extras such as a version with/without clothing, a back view, headshots, etc. will cost more unless a custom character sheet has been purchased and it falls within what's included. Extras on a custom character sheet still cost more!
Accessories do not increase the price unless they are incredibly complex, full outfits however do.
I will do ES-ARPG Adult Concepts, and will do essentially any species given their website is provided and is easy to understand/digest.
Standard order form
Commission Type: The type of Commission you're ordering, for example; Flat Chibi, Shaded Standard Fullbody, etc.
Character(s): The Character(s) you want included in the piece.
Expression/Pose?: If you have an idea for an expression/pose you want the character to have, put it here!
Extra Notes/References: Any extra notes or references you want to include for the commission!
Standard order form: Blank
Commission Type:
Extra Notes/References:
Custom ORder Form
Theme & Colors: This should preferably be moodboards, palettes, images, etc. however I'll also accept songs.
Species: The species you'd like the design to be/rsemble the most. You may give a broad range of options if you want. If you want an alt. form you may request/detail it here as well. Alt Forms add onto the price.
Design Complexity: How simple or complex you want the design to be. Will affect the final price.
Accessories/Outfits: Whether or not you want apparel on your design.
Additional Design Detail(s): Any additional shots you want of the design, such as a paw, maw, headshot, back, etc. view. Will affect final price.
Extra Notes or References: If there are any other specifics I should be aware of, please list them here! This is also the field where you can request more frequent WIPs other than the initial final sketch!
Custom ORder Form: Blank
Theme & Colors:
Design Complexity:
Additional Design Detail(s):
Extra Notes or References: